Boy bedroom: before & after
After our last move our boy was so excited to have room for ALL of his goods. The upstairs of our home is 16 x 50, with the stairwell and a bathroom splitting up the space. The girls and boy are sharing, so I had to decide what color would work in both areas. It didn't take long to agree on SW Light French Gray.
This is the before picture of our boy space.

It was basically a blank space. The smoke damage that was apparent in the rest of the house could not be seen or smelled upstairs. A little rearranging, painting, and putting back and we had a 'real' boy room.

It was so nice to get his favorites back up on the walls. SW Light French Gray was the perfect choice. Not too dark and just enough color to add a little dimension.

I repainted this shelf, originally navy blue, and added a personal reminder for our growing boy. He loves to hunt and plans on being an Aggie in the future.

His dresser didn't fare well with our last move. We are big fans of Haverty's and were able to get this beautiful timeless dresser. We bought Ashebrooke from Haverty's for our master bedroom years ago and are so happy with how solid it stays after being moved all over the country. You can find it here.

Our boy was born in Texas and proudly keeps this reminder close by. I made this when he got his very first bedroom all to himself in Georgia. We found the metal W on an old storefront in Alabama and were able to get it for a good price. The paint is original, I just gave it a quick sanding and then coated it with clear spray paint. The dog picture W made himself.

Love this transformation. It's amazing what color can do for a space. Curtain rod placement also helped. Stay tuned for a DIY curtain and curtain rod post.